Coronavirus-Covid-19 Cleaning

Coronavirus Update - Customer Information Regarding Covid-19

Please note in the event you are required to shut your business due to Covid-19 we are licensed to sanitise your office space to prep the area for colleagues to return to work. We are equipped with the correct PPE, chemicals and equipment to assist in this matter!

We have undertaken training and accreditation that equips us with the specialist skills needed where deep cleaning is required – please just contact us today and be assured of a professional and discrete service.

Your people, premises and customers are important to us – you are in good hands!

Does the coronavirus spread person-to-person?

Yes! The virus can spread from one person to another, most likely through droplets of saliva or mucus carried in the air for up to 6 feet or more when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
Viral particles may be breathed in, land on surfaces that people touch, or be transferred when shaking hands or sharing a drink with someone who has the virus.
Often it is obvious if a person is ill, but there are cases where people who do not feel sick, have the virus and can spread it.

What we will be doing for our customers?

Our reactive team are trained to NACSC standards in decontamination and sanitising.
The team will also be temperature checked daily and will be on hand to respond should you have a confirmed case of the coronavirus at your site. This service is chargeable and a schedule of rates is available by calling 01371 852252

What products do you use ?

We want to reassure you that we only use the best products available.
Our sanitiser spray has passed all preliminary corona virus tests – but as the virus is so new – a certificate of Covid-19 virus kill from it won’t be available initially.

We want you to know we care.

We have gone to considerable expense .. not only to be proactive in the way we support you, your premises and your people – but also to make sure you have an effective contingency, that you can share with your staff, customers and people should the worst happen.

Your questions answered about decontamination

How do you apply sanitiser?

We use 3 methods :

  1. ULV fogging – this method atomises sanitiser into the air – filling large spaces with lots of product that finds it way into the smallest of cracks and crevices.
  2. We use spray and wipe method on surfaces
  3. We use damp microfibre application on surfaces sensitive to moisture.

How long does it take?

Dependant on room size and content – for example a large open office with hot desking and computers, keyboards, phones, screens etc will take longer than an open communal hallway – but a rough guide is that a 1600 square foot office space will take approximately 4 – 8 hours to decontaminate.

When can we re-enter the building – open it to the public again following treatment ?

Following our decontamination, it is possible to reuse the building again within 2 hours of completion.
So if we start decontamination works at 8pm, complete all sanitising by 6am, the building can re-open at 8am.

Is ATP swabbing available?

ATP swabbing only shows bacteria levels before and after sanitising, it does not specify the bacteria.

Do we have to evacuate a complete custody suite to decontaminate after a single positive carrier?

This would be down to the individual force to decide, whereby we would stipulate that all areas that the contaminated person has been in, require decontaminating, such as vehicle, cell, process desk, interview room etc. Other cells where the door has been closed at all times would be down to the risk assessment completed by the custody officers.

Talk to us!

If you have any questions …pick up the phone or email initially to discuss how we can have complete clarity on what is needed and what we can supply.

We hope that you realise how seriously we are taking this Pandemic, and how qualified we are in dealing with outbreak control.

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